Interface, Model, and Equation menus

Use the Interface, Model, and Equation menus to access commands specific to the layer you are currently viewing.

Although each of menus share the same commands, each menu also contains commands specific to the layer you are viewing.

Each command on the Interface, Model, and Equation menus is briefly described below.


This command is available on the Interface, Model, and Equation menus.

Use this command to find one or more entities in the model. Once you find an entity, you can

For more information on using the Fine command, see Finding entities in models.

Find Next

This command is available on the Model menu when you have selected an entity that is ghosted elsewhere in the model or when you have selected a ghost of an entity.

Use this command to find the next ghost of the selected entity, in order of creation. Using this command allows you to "walk through" the model, locating all instances of an entity in the diagram.

Find Controller

This command is available on the Model menu when you have selected an entity that is assigned to an input object (a slider, knob, switch, list input device, or graphical input device) on the Interface layer.

Use this command to navigate to the input object that is assigned to the selected entity on the Map or Model layer.

Tip: Entities that are assigned to an input object display a small icon of the input object on their surface.

Align To Grid

This command is available on the Interface and Model menus.

Use this command to organize your model by aligning the selected entities to an invisible grid on the diagram.

Choosing Align To Grid causes the selected entities to be aligned to an invisible grid on the diagram.

You select the size of the diagram grid in the Model Preferences dialog box.

Note: The Align To Grid command does not apply to sector frames.

Open Selection

This command is available on the Interface and Model menus when you select an entity other than a graph pad, loop pad, or table pad.

Use this command to open the default panel for the selected building block or the edit dialog box for the selected object.

Tip: You can also open the default panel or edit dialog box for the building block or object by double-clicking its icon.

For more information about editing building blocks and objects, see Working with building blocks and Working with objects.

Define Graph

This command is available when you select a graph pad.

Use this command to open the definition dialog box for the selected graph pad.

Tip: You can also open the definition dialog box for the graph pad by double-clicking a page on the open graph pad.

For more information about defining graph pads, see Working with pads and Graph pads.

Define Loop

This command is available when you select a loop pad.

Use this command to open the definition dialog box for the selected loop pad.

Tip: You can also open the definition dialog box for the loop pad by double-clicking a page on the open loop pad.

For more information about defining loop pads, see Working with pads and Loop pads.

Define Table

This command is available when you select a table pad.

Use this command to open the definition dialog box for the selected table pad.

Tip: You can also open the definition dialog box for the table pad by double-clicking a page on the open table pad.

For more information about defining loop pads, see Working with pads and Table pads.


Use the commands on the Restore submenu to restore the selected type of input object to its original value, or to clear all data from graphs and tables.

Interface Prefs / Model Prefs / Equation Prefs

Use these commands to select your preferences for the visual characteristics of the specified layer.

You can set preferences for a layer only when you are viewing the layer. For more information, see Setting interface preferences, Setting model preferences, and Setting equation preferences.

Array Editor

Use this command to open the Array Editor dialog box so that you can create and edit array dimensions and elements that you can then use to create arrayed entities. For more information about working with arrays, see Overview: Arrays.

Unit Editor

Use this command to edit and create units of measure to be used in your model. For more information about working with units, see Overview: Units.

Concept Link IconSee Also