Working with building blocks

Building blocks are the tools you use to construct the model on each layer.

The Map and Model layers provide five building blocks:

Note: In addition to these building blocks, you can use sector frames to group together functionally related chunks of model structure. For more information about working with sector frames, see Sector frames.

The following sections describe how to work with building blocks by

To place a building block on the diagram

  1. On the appropriate layer toolbar, click the tool for the building block you want to place.

    Tip: To place multiple building blocks of the same type on the diagram, double-click the tool to keep it selected.

  2. If more than one type of the building block is available (for example, stocks), click and hold the building block's tool in the toolbar to view a list of the available types, then select the type you want to use.
  3. Click the diagram to place the building block.
  4. If you double-clicked to place more than one building block of this type on the diagram, continue clicking to place the building blocks.
  5. When you are finished placing the building block, press ESC to deselect the building block type.

Tip: For detailed notes on placing each type of building block, refer to the discussion of the specific building block you are using.

To select a building block

To move a building block

  1. Click inside the building block icon's border and hold the mouse button down.
  2. Drag the building block to the desired location.

To move a building block with handles

A handle is a square block at one or more ends of a building block. For example, the flow has a handle on each end.

To rename a building block

Building block names can be up to 65 characters long.

  1. Click the building block's name plate. The name plate and building block become highlighted.
  2. Type the new name:

  3. When you are finished editing the name, click a blank space on the diagram.

To move a building block's name plate

You can position a name plate anywhere around the border of a building block's icon, or inside the building block's icon.

Tip: To constrain the position of the name plate to North, South, East, or West, hold the CTRL key (Windows) or the Command key (Macintosh) while dragging the name plate.

To view or edit a building block's properties

  1. On the model diagram, select the building block whose properties you want to edit.
  2. On the right side of the window, select the panel for the properties you want to view or edit.

    Tip: Double-click the building block to automatically select the building block's default field on the currently displayed panel.

  3. Use the options on the panels to make the edits you want.
  4. When you are finished making changes, apply your edits.

For more information about using panels, including making, applying, and undoing changes to properties, see Working with panels.

To change colors for a building block

To delete a building block

  1. Select the building block that you want to delete.
  2. From the Edit menu, choose Delete .


    Right-click the object and then choose Delete from the menu that appears.


    Press the DELETE key.

Concept Link IconSee Also