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Non-Linear Analytics

An increasing proportion of strategic Value Management assignments that I take on do not lend themselves to traditional analytical methods, notably linear spreadsheet models. That’s where Stella becomes an essential tool and isee systems a valued partner who provide an extraordinary level of support, just when I need it.

Roger Davies, Managing Director, Impact Dynamics


We bring Systems Thinking to the world with our innovative solutions and services. isee systems’ Dynamic Modeling software is a powerful tool that allows the user to create system diagrams that can be simulated over time. By creating these diagrams, you are better able to understand the behavior of that system and identify areas for improvement. The ability to simulate over time allows the user to easily test several hypotheses to avoid unintended consequences and costly trial and error. With an intuitive user interface and effective analytics our software allows you to quickly advance your modeling skills. To ensure customers get the most out of our software, we offer a wide range of services such as online courses from beginner to advanced, in-person workshops, one-on-one modeling support, as well as many free webinars and tutorials. We also have a consulting branch that will work directly with your team to deliver a clear, effective model for your project.


Stella is used to help teach topics such as math, biology, anatomy, economics, ecology, climate change, and chemistry. It teaches students to think systemically, to gain a more profound understanding, and to make better decisions. With Stella, students can map and simulate systems. Working collaboratively or independently on projects, hands-on exploration and learning is made possible with risk-free experiments through the use of knobs, switches, sliders, buttons, and other input devices to change variables and run scenarios. Results can be viewed instantly in tables and graphs.


Government departments and agencies continually address issues that arise in a multitude of areas, including health care delivery, public policies, defense strategies, urban planning, natural resource management, and energy consumption. These issues often expand beyond the boundaries of a single department and require collaboration between several different departments and agencies on both federal and local levels. Stella/iThink offers the ability to create holistic system diagrams that can be simulated over time. This systemic view allows you to examine the system and its behaviors to determine where changes are beneficial and avoid decisions that cause a negative impact. With Stella/iThink, you can easily create shared insight and communicate ideas that enables interdepartmental teams to understand all the variables that affect the system. Enhanced understanding helps ensure that decisions are fully implemented.


Stella is used for research both in natural and social sciences. Domains that can be studied are as diverse as microbiology, hydrology, pharmacokinetics, health care, energy supply, housing markets, violent conflict, and social networks. Current challenges in these fields demand sophisticated analyses of cause and effect relationships. Increased complexity and the fast pace of change in today’s research problems makes static observations at only one point in time an inadequate level of analysis. Stella enables researchers to conduct integrated and interdisciplinary assessments of changes over time in a multitude of causal relationships. Hidden interactions in complex systems can be revealed and research designs can be refined accordingly. Stella helps to present your research to audiences both within and beyond the academic sector by supporting clear visual communication of results. With a graphical interface, scientific insights can be structured in an engaging way to the public as well as to sponsors and partners in business, not-for profit and government. System structure can be presented in small steps to the audience so that they can follow the line of complex arguments.


With the transition to renewables under way, it is more important than ever to assess the impacts of wind power or distributed resident-owned solar power on electricity generation capacity. The transition to electric cars also has a strong impact on the demand curve. Combined with distributed solar energy, the demand during the day drops significantly while that at night increases. Stella allows you to explore different scenarios and policy options to weather this fast-changing landscape.


As the cost of health continues to increase, there is greater demand to decrease the cost through either better efficiency by providers or health care policies that target the improvement of the population’s overall health. Stella comfortably models both the detailed patient flow models needed to increase efficiency and the broader population-based policy models. It has also been successfully used to model mechanisms within the body to promote better health or understand the effects of different medication regimes.


Above and below ground interactions between plants, trees, soils, water, and light are complex systems. Being influenced by multiple variables evolving over time makes them hard to study. Modeling these systems is vitally important to the economic and social welfare of farmers. Stella models provide the most holistic view of these systems, allowing researchers to fully understand interactions between multiple components and test a wide variety of agricultural improvement strategies without the time and expense of real-time experiments.


Factories require the continual movement of materials from supplier through machines to create processed goods and then to the customer. Whether managing the supply chain, managing inventory, exploring different logistics choices, or improving the production processes themselves, Stella allows building models that dynamically test different scenarios and the impacts of fault situations so the factory runs as smoothly as possible.


In wildlife conservation, energy conservation, and water conservation, Stella is up to the task of modeling the complex set of interactions of the system. Stella readily models the social, political, economic, physical, and environmental aspects of your particular system, enabling the exploration of different policy levers across these multiple facets. Models have successfully explored impacts of changing predators in an ecosystem, reducing pollution to avoid eutrophication, reducing energy usage in homes as well as reducing dependence on fossil fuels, fishing on salmon spawning, and changing water allocations to municipalities from important fresh water sources.


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