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$199 USD

Applying Systems Thinking and Common Archetypes

Applying Systems Thinking and Common Archetypes to Organizational Issues

How your organization thinks about problems has a lot to do with the quality of solutions it applies. All too often, organizations rush through problem solving, overlook the relationships between contributing factors, and fail to test assumptions before implementing an ineffective “fix.”

Applying Systems Thinking and Common Archetypes to Organizational Issues gives you and your colleagues a new way to think about and understand the challenges you face. You’ll be introduced to core Systems Thinking concepts and common archetypes, or systemic behaviors that guide organizations. You’ll see how Systems Thinking can improve problem solving and inspire organizational learning. Most importantly, you’ll apply Systems Thinking and common archetypes to issues that you and your organization are actually facing.

Course Overview

Applying Systems Thinking and Common Archetypes to Organizational Issues was adapted from a workshop entitled Systems Thinking: A Language for Learning and Action from Innovation Associates. Founded by Peter Senge, Innovation Associates brought the Systems Thinking approach into many Fortune 100 level businesses. Michael Goodman was Vice President at Innovation Associates, where he led the effort to develop this course for the web. Sherry Immediato, Managing Director of the Society for Organization Learning (SoL) and founder of Heaven & Earth Incorporated, adapted the original materials and contributed significant content to this course.

Applying Systems Thinking and Common Archetypes to Organizational Issues includes eight instructional modules. Students typically complete the entire course in 40 to 60 hours.

While logged into your account, you may click here to view a course preview. This preview includes Module 1, Module 2, and "Fixes That Backfire" in Module 6.

Michael Goodman

About the Instructor

In 2002, Michael founded Innovation Associates Organizational Learning where he continues to teach and consult with organizations worldwide. Recognized as a leader in the field of system dynamics and Systems Thinking, Michael's specific interest is in developing and applying Systems Thinking to organizational change and learning. He was one of the developers of the systems archetypes—systemic patterns common to most workplaces that were forwarded in Peter Senge’s widely read The Fifth Discipline. He has published widely and served as the primary contributor to the Systems Thinking chapter in the acclaimed Fifth Discipline Fieldbook.

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