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Our state-of-the-art products guide you through every step of simulating and understanding systems.


Systems Thinking creates a framework for understanding whole systems by identifying interdependent components and the leverage points for effective intervention. This helps you achieve desired outcomes while avoiding unintended consequences.


Stella software provides the tools to build models that represent and define relationships between parts of a system. Use click and drag model diagram creation and easy equation editing to simulate and view results quickly. Stella supports system dynamics, discrete event, and agent-based modeling.

Its powerful interface features offer a variety of ways to view results, as well as automatic data export/import features to let you integrate simulations with other applications.

Problems don't occur in a vacuum, they occur within a system. Developing a model around that system allows you to view and understand key relationships that cause the system behavior.


Stella's analytical features, including Stella Live™, Loops That Matter™, and Sensitivity Analysis, allow you to easily identify feedback loops and high leverage points without complex coding or engineering. You'll learn more about your system and discover how to intervene to get the results you want. Stella lets you simulate models, change parameters with Stella Live, and see instantaneous results. Our Loops that Matter and Sensitivity Analysis features easily identify feedback loops and high leverage points.

Stella’s unique Storytelling feature unfurls and annotates the structure of your model to explain relationships and behavior.


You can share your insights using the web or with desktop options.

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   Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm EDT | Saturday - Sunday: Closed
24 Hanover St, Ste 8A | Lebanon, NH 03766 | US

isee systems inc. holds trademarks registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for iThink®, Stella®, isee systems® and claims the following trademarks; isee NetSim™, isee Exchange™, Stella Live™, Causal Lens™, Stella Online™, Stella Professional Online™, and Assemblies™.

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