Getting Started Education Bundle
The Getting Started Education Bundle provides a complete set of resources to build your dynamic modeling skills and begin applying them to real-world problems. Using these tools,
you’ll learn how Systems Thinking helps policy-makers, researchers, and scientists find solutions to complex problems.
Included in this Bundle:
The Getting Started Education Bundle includes Stella Professional with one year of support and maintainance, An Introduction to Systems Thinking by Barry Richmond and
Modeling Dynamic Systems: Lessons for a First Course by Diana Fisher.
An Introduction to Systems Thinking by Barry Richmond
sets the stage by describing the language of Systems Thinking and applying it to the dynamic modeling process. You’ll be introduced to classic “stock and flow” infrastructures common to
many physical, biological and social issues..
Modeling Dynamic Systems: Lessons for a First Course by Diana Fisher,
builds on the basic foundation and offers a self-study, hands-on course to learn how to create dynamic models using Stella Professional software. Included with Modeling Dynamic Systems is a link to download
lessons and models that explore a wide variety of topics—population dynamics, public health issues, drug compound pharmacokinetics, urban development planning, and more.