Lessons in Mathematics: A Dynamic Approach by Diana Fisher provides a set of materials that can be used to supplement current curriculum for Algebra I, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus
and Calculus classes.
Students build understanding of abstract mathematical functions (such as linear, quadratic, and exponential) by creating models using the Stella software. They then can make use of the
software's simulation capabilities to explore solutions to real-world problems.
Materials meet National Science Education Standards (NSES) and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards and are out-of-the-box ready for use in your classroom today.
If you’re a science teacher, you’ll find many of the lessons contained in this book provide a powerful vehicle for explaining basic science concepts. The motion lessons found throughout
the book, for example, can be used to introduce, reinforce, or supplement concepts taught in the physical science and/or physics curriculum. Similarly, the population dynamics lessons
can be used in the context of many classes in the life sciences.
Other lessons such as “Contagious Diseases” and “Lead in the Body” offer real-world case studies that are highly applicable to the more mathematically rigorous classes in the sciences.
This book is the teacher's edition and includes a download containing PDFs of all student exercises, as well as the save-disabled version of the Stella software that can be used by
students to complete the exercises.