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Articles with Stella® or iThink®

These published articles use Stella or iThink in a wide variety of application areas. Please refer to our Bibliography and Resources for Learning for additional titles.

Atkinson, J., Skinner, A., Hackney, S., Mason, L., Heffernan, M., Currier, D., King, K., & Pirkis, J. (2020). Systems modelling and simulation to inform strategic decision making for suicide prevention in rural New South Wales (Australia), Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, volume and issue forthcoming. doi: 10.1177/0004867420932639 download paper download supplementary material

Baur, L., & Uriona, M. (2018). Diffusion of photovoltaic technology in Germany: A sustainable success or an illusion driven by guaranteed feed-in tariffs?. Energy  150, 289-298. doi: 10.1016/

Benvenutti, L. M. M., Ribeiro, A. B., & Uriona, M. (2017). Long term diffusion dynamics of alternative fuel vehicles in Brazil. Journal of Cleaner Production 164, 1571-1585. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.07.051

Benvenutti, L. M., Uriona, M., & Campos, L. M. (2019). The impact of CO2 mitigation policies on light vehicle fleet in Brazil. Energy Policy 126, 370-379. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.11.014

Gambardella, P. J., D. E. Polk, D.W. Lounsbury, & R.L Levine. A Co-flow Structure for Goal-directed Internal Change. Systems Dynamics Review 33:1, 34-58 (January/March 2017). doi: 10.1002/sdr.1574 (A free version of this paper is available at the US National Library of Medicine website.)

Jackson, T. & Victor, P.A. (2015). Does credit create a ‘growth imperative’? A quasi-stationary economy with interest-bearing debt, Ecological Economics 120, 32-48. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.09.009

Jackson, T. & Victor, P.A. (2016). Does slow growth lead to rising inequality? Some theoretical reflections and numerical simulations, Ecological Economics 121, 206-219. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.03.019

Jackson, T. & Victor, P.A. (2011). Productivity and Work in the New Economy – Some Theoretical Reflections and Empirical Tests, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 1:1, 101-10. doi: 10.1016/j.eist.2011.04.005

Kern, V. M., & Uriona, M. (2018). Cenários da dinâmica de hipercrescimento e colapso das revistas científicas brasileiras líderes na Ciência da Informação. Em Questão 24, 258-277. doi: 10.19132/1808-5245240.258-277

Koenigstein, S., Dahlke, F.T., Stiasny, M.H., Storch, D., Clemmesen, C., & Pörtner, H.-O. (2018). Forecasting future recruitment success for Atlantic cod in the warming and acidifying Barents Sea. Global Change Biology 24, 1. View the isee Exchange™ model.

Occhipinti, J.-A., Skinner, A., Iorfino, F., Lawson, K., Sturgess, J., Burgess, W., Davenport, T., Hudson, D. & Hickie, I. (2021). Reducing youth suicide: systems modelling and simulation to guide targeted investments across the determinants. BMC Medicine 19, 61. doi:

Pearson, J., Dunham, J., Bellmore, J. R., & Lyons, D. (2019). Modeling control of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) in a shallow lake–wetland system. Wetlands Ecology and Management 27:combined 5-6, 1-20. ISSN 0923-4861. doi: 10.1007/s11273-019-09685-0

Rowe, G. (1997). Organic carbon cycling in abyssal benthic food chains: numerical simulations of bioenhancement by sewage sludge. Journal of Marine Systems 14, 337-354. doi: 10.1016/S0924-7963(97)00034-1

Rowe, G. (2001). Seasonal hypoxia in the bottom water of the Mississippi River delta. Journal of Environmental Quality 30, 281-290. doi: 10.2134/jeq2001.302281x

Rowe, G., Boland, G., Escobar Briones, E., Cruz-Kaegi, M., Newton, A., Piepenburg, D., Walsh, I., & Deming, J. (1997). Sediment community biomass and respiration in the Northeast Water. Polynya, Greenland: a numerical simulation of benthic lander and spade core data. Journal of Marine Systems 10, 497-515. doi: 10.1016/S0924-7963(96)00065-6

Rowe, G. (2013). Seasonality in deep-sea food webs- A tribute to the early works of Paul Tyler. Deep-Sea Research II 92, 9-17. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.01.025

Rowe, G. et al. (2003). Preliminary Trophodynamic Carbon Budget for the Sigsbee Deep Benthos, Northern Gulf of Mexico. American Fisheries Society Symposium 36, 225-238. doi: 10.1111/gcb.13848

Sant'ana, J. L. G., Uriona, M., & Gontijo, L. A. (2019). Dynamics of stress generation and reduction in the nursing team at an oncology center. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 27. doi: 10.1590/1518-8345.2874.3156

Schmidt-Costa, J. R., Uriona, M., & Possamai, O. (2019). Product-service systems in solar PV deployment programs: What can we learn from the California Solar Initiative?. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 140, 145-157. doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.09.017

Victor, P.A. (2012). Growth, degrowth and climate change: a scenario analysis, Ecological Economics 84, 206-212. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2011.04.013

Victor, P.A. & Gosenbluth, G. (2007). Managing without Growth, Ecological Economics 61, 492-504. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2006.03.022

Victor, P.A. & Sers, M. (2018). The Energy-Emissions Trap, Ecological Economics 151, 10-21. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2018.04.004

Zaini, R. M., Pavlov, O. V., Saeed, K., Radzicki, M. J., Hoffman, A. H., & Tichenor, K. R. (2016). Let’s Talk Change in a University: A Simple Model for Addressing a Complex Agenda. Systems Research and Behavioral Science,  34:3, 250–266. doi: 10.1002/sres.2408. View the isee Exchange™ model.

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