Overview: Buttons

Use buttons to make it easy for your model's users to understand and interact with the model. When clicked, buttons perform one of several operations such as navigating to a new location, executing a menu command, or providing pop-up information.

You can define seven types of buttons:

ClosedInformation button
ClosedNavigation button
ClosedMenu button
ClosedTracing button
ClosedStorytelling button
ClosedHyperlink button
ClosedPlay Movie button

To place a button on the diagram

  1. On the Interface, Map, or Model layer toolbar, click the button tool.
  2. The Information button is the default button type. To place a different type of button in your model, click and hold the button tool on the toolbar and then select the appropriate button type from the list that appears.

    Tip: You can also select and change the button type in the Button dialog box, regardless of the type you select to place in this step.

  3. Click the diagram to place the button.

    The Button dialog box opens.

  4. Under "Button Purpose", select the type of button you want to add (if different from the type you selected in step 2).

  5. Use the options in the Button dialog box to define or edit the properties of the button.

    For detailed information about defining each type of button, see the appropriate section:

For more information about placing, naming, and editing buttons, see Working with objects.

To change a button's appearance

There are three major attributes that you can use to change the appearance of a button: its opacity, its shape, and the text or image (if any) assigned to the button's surface. You control these aspects of a button's appearance by using the options in the bottom of the Button dialog box.

  1. Select the button who's appearance you want to specify.
  2. Open the Button dialog box.
  3. Use the options at the bottom part of the dialog box to specify the button's appearance:

    Note that an asterisk (*) appears on the Import Picture button to indicate that a title/picture is assigned to the button.

  4. When you are finished specifying the button's appearance, click OK.

To assign a sound to a button

In addition to the button's image/text, you can assign a sound that the button makes when it is clicked. The default sound is a click sound, but you can also import a sound you've recorded (music, audio text, sound effect), use a sound file from an audio library, or choose to have no sound associated with the button. You specify a button's sound by using the options under "Button Sound" in of the Button dialog box.

  1. Select the button who's sound you want to specify.
  2. Open the Button dialog box.
  3. Use the options under "Button Sound" to specify the button's sound:

  4. When you are finished specifying the button's sound, click OK.

Concept Link IconSee Also