File menu

Use the commands on the File menu perform high-level model tasks, such as creating, opening, saving, closing, printing, and exporting models. In addition, this menu provides commands for exporting models, locking models, specifying default settings, and exiting from the application.

Each command on the File menu is briefly described below.


Use this command to create a new model file. Because the software allows you to work with only one open file at a time, the New command is unavailable if a model file is already open; you must close the currently open model before you can create a new one.


Use this command to open an existing model.

Note: Although you can open a model created in an older version of iThink or STELLA, it will be converted to a Version 10 model when you open it. You can save it as a Version 10 model only (.ITMX or .STMX).


Use this command to close the currently open model. If you have made changes to the model that are not yet saved, a message appears that asks if you want to save the model.


Use this command to save any changes to the model that you've made since the last time it was saved.

iThink models are saved with the file extension of .ITMX. STELLA models are saved with the file extension of .STMX.

Note: Models saved with iThink and STELLA versions 9 or earlier are saved with the file extensions .ITM and .STM. You can open pre-version 10 models with the latest version of the software, but when you save them, their extension will be changed and you won't be able to open them with a previous version.

Save As

Use this command to save a copy of the currently open model with a new name.

Export for NetSim

Use this command to export the model in a format that can be read by isee NetSim™. For more information, see Exporting models for publication with isee NetSim.

Export Text Boxes

Use this command to export the contents of all text boxes that are marked for export to the clipboard. Additionally, the Export Text Boxes command gives you the opportunity to save the contents of "marked for export" text boxes as a text file. Contents of text boxes will be exported in alphabetical order based on the titles you provide.

Exporting the contents of text boxes is very useful when you want to collect, for example, a set of responses to model output from users of your model. After users have entered their responses in text boxes, you can choose Export Text Boxes to collect responses in one convenient venue.

To mark a text box for export, select the Mark for Export check box in the Text Box dialog box.

Save As Image

Use this command to create an image file that contains a picture of the active layer (Interface, Map, or Model) or the selected unpinned graph pad or loop pad.

You can choose to save the file in any of the following formats: PICT (*.PCT), GIF (*.GIF), Bitmap (*.BMP), TIFF (*.TIF), Jpeg (*.JPG), or PNG (*,PNG).

This command is available when you are viewing the Interface, Map, or Model layer, or when an unpinned graph or loop pad is selected.

Note: To save an unpinned graph pad or loop pad as an image, you must right-click the graph or loop pad and then choose Save As Image from the menu that appears.

Save As Text

Use this command to create a text file that contains the contents of the Equation layer or the currently active, unpinned table pad.

Note: Equation information will be saved to the text file according to the options you selected in the Equation Preferences dialog box.

The data will be saved in a text file format (.TXT in Windows), which you can open in with a variety of word processing, spreadsheet, and statistical packages.

This command is available when you are viewing the Equation layer or when an unpinned table pad is selected.


Use this command to revert the currently open model to its state when it was last saved. Any changes made since it was last saved will be lost.

Print Setup (Windows) or Page Setup (Macintosh)

Use this command to open the Print Setup (Windows) or Page Setup (Macintosh) dialog box so that you can select printer and page setup options for the current model.


Use this command to print the active layer and/or currently selected item on the active layer.

The name of the print command changes depending on which layer is active as well as what item is selected on the current layer.

Lock Model

Use this command to select security preferences for your model. Security preferences allow you to restrict access to some aspects of the model when you share it with others. For more information, see Setting model security preferences.

Default Settings

Use this command to select the default user interface and simulation settings for the model. For more information, see Setting model default settings.

Note: If you are using the Macintosh version, you can also set default settings by by choosing the Preferences command from the iThink or STELLA menu.

Exit (Windows)

Use this command to exit from the application. If you have made any changes to your model since the last time it was saved, you will be asked if you want to save these changes before exiting.

Note: To exit from the application in the Macintosh version, use the Quit iThink or Quit STELLA command on the iThink or STELLA menu.

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