iThink/STELLA menu

The iThink or STELLA menu appears in the Macintosh version only.

The commands on this menu give you information about the iThink or STELLA version you have installed, allow you to specify the software's default settings, allow you to exit from the software, and provide other standard Macintosh menu commands for accessing services and hiding/showing windows.

Each command on the iThink or STELLA menu is briefly described below.

About iThink / About STELLA

Use this command to displays the version number of the software and your registration number.

Note: To view this information in the Windows version, choose the About iThink or About STELLA command from the Help menu.


Use this command to customize the default user interface and simulation settings in the Default Settings dialog. Changes made to default settings take effect immediately for all new models. For more information, see Setting model default settings.

Note: You can also specify default settings by choosing the Default Settings command from the File menu.


Use this command to gain access to other service and utility applications.

Hide iThink / Hide STELLA

Use this command to hide the iThink or STELLA window.

Hide Others

Choose this command to hide all other open windows on your desktop.

Show All

Choose this command to show all previously hidden windows on your desktop.

Quit iThink/Quit STELLA

Use this command to quits= the application. If you have made any changes to your model since the last time it was saved, you will be asked if you want to save these changes before quitting.

Note: To exit from the application in the Windows version, choose the Exit command on the File Menu.

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