Run menu

Use the commands on the Run menu start, pause, resume, and stop regular model simulation runs, module runs, sector runs, and sensitivity analysis runs. The commands on the Run menu also allow you to configure the time and simulation specifications for your model, to manage data runs, and to check model units.

Each command on the Run menu is briefly described below.


Use the run command to start or resume a simulation run.

The Run command changes depending on whether or not you have already started a run and which options you have selected in the Module Specs, Sector Specs, and Sensitivity Specs dialog boxes.

The following table explains what the Run command looks like for each possible run state.

If you see
this command
Run Selected
Sectors is
Run Selected
Modules is
Run off off off stopped
Resume off off off paused
Run Sector(s) on off off stopped
Resume Run Sector(s) on off off paused
S-Run off off on stopped
Resume S-Run off off on paused
S-Run Sector(s) on off on stopped
Resume S-Run Sector(s) on off on paused
Run Module(s) ff on off stopped
Resume Run Module(s) off on off paused
S-Run Module(s) off on on stopped
Resume S-Run Module(s) off on on paused


Use this command to pause a simulation run. To resume a paused run, use the Resume command, or click the button in the Run Controller.

Tip: To pause a simulation, you can also click the button in the Run Controller.


Use this command to stop a simulation run.

Module Specs

If the model contains one or more modules, use this command to select which modules to run in the simulation. You can select to run the entire model, including all modules (Run This Model), or just selected modules (Run Selected Modules). For more information, see Running modules.

Sector Specs

If the model contains one or more sectors, use this command to select which sectors to run in the simulation. You can select to run the entire model, including all sectors (Run Entire Model), or just selected sectors (Run Selected Sectors). For more information, see Running sectors.

Sensi Specs

Use this command to specify the characteristics for a set of sensitivity runs. This command also allows you to turn on sensitivity analysis. For more information, see Performing sensitivity analysis.

Run Specs

Use this command to select options for the simulation run, including the simulation length, the time step between calculations (DT), the interval between simulation pauses, the integration method, and the time unit for the model. For more information, see Selecting run specs.

[and the run mode (Normal or Cycle-time) for the model.]

Data Manager

Use this command to save model runs and load saved runs so that you can compare the results of one run against another. For more information, see Managing model runs.

Check Units

Use this command to perform a unit consistency check on all model entities. The software will highlight any model entities that fail the unit analysis check.

If you specify units of measure in your models, it's a good idea to check units periodically during the model development cycle. Checking units in this fashion is an excellent way to minimize silly errors (algebraic or otherwise) that can be introduced into a model during its development.

For more information, see Checking unit consistency.

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