Checking unit consistency

Checking unit consistency allows you to ensure that the left- and right-hand sides of entity equations have consistent units, and that stocks in conserved flow chains all have the same units of measure.

When you check unit consistency, if any assigned units are incorrectly defined, the software displays a warning message, but you can still run the model.

You can check units for a specific entity or for the entire model. Both procedures are described below.

To check unit consistency for a single entity

  1. In the model diagram, select the entity whose units you want to check.

    Note: You must have an equation defined for the entity in order to check its units.

  2. On the Equation panel, click next to the Units box, and then choose Check units.

    A message appears that indicates if the units are consistent or inconsistent.

To check unit consistency for the entire model

  1. From the Run menu, choose Check Units.

    The software checks all units assigned to entities in the model.

  2. If no problems are found, a message appears that tells you that all units in the model are consistent. Click OK to close the message.
  3. If it finds any problems, a message appears that tells you that some units are inconsistent. Click OK to close the message.

    The entities that have inconsistent units are highlighted in the model diagram.

    If the Enforce Unit Consistency check box is selected in the Model Preferences dialog box, an "?" appears in any entity that fails the unit consistency check. You cannot run a simulation until all inconsistencies are resolved.

  4. To troubleshoot the inconsistencies, select each highlighted entity, and then check the entity's units on the Equation panel to verify that the correct unit of measure is assigned to the entity.

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