Run Toolbar

The Run toolbar appears in the lower left-hand corner of the Stella window. It gives you quick access to a lot of the commands on the Run menu. It also gives you a visual indication of the progress of a simulation, and allows you to adjust the time range used for tables and graphs.



The items on the Run toolbar are described below.

Sensitivity Run Button

This is available only if sensitivity has been set up for the model. Click on it so start a sequence of sensitivity runs. Progress will be displayed in the run toolbar, and graphs and tables will update periodically.

Optimization Run Button

This is available only if a valid optimization has been set up for the model. Click on it so start the optimization. Progress will be displayed in the run toolbar, and graphs and tables will update periodically if it is a long optimization.

Run Button

Click this button to run the simulation. Progress in the run will be displayed in the toolbar.

Pause Button

Click this button to pause the simulation. When a simulation is running, the Run button changes to the Pause button. When you click the Pause button, it changes back to the Play button.

Stop Button

Click this button to stop the simulation while it's running. If you start the simulation again, it'll start at the beginning of the simulation.

Data Manager Button

Click this button to open the Data Manager. In you are in analysis mode and have made a new run the run name will be highlighted so you can easily rename it. In edit mode the dialog will open without any highlighting.

Restore All Devices Button

Click this button to delete all runs and associated data, except those specifically designated by run name in tables and graphs.

Simulation Log

Opens the Message Log. This button is only shown when there is content in the log.

Progress Bar

The Progress bar shows the current progress of your simulation. It's also a slider you can use to move to a specific point in the simulation.

Invalid Equation/Units Warnings

This dropdown list will appear at the end of the Run toolbar when you are editing in Model view and there are messages about equations (which prevent running) or units (which do not). To look at the messages, open the dropdown and select a message. You'll be taken to the associated variable on the diagram, and the properties panel will open on its equation. For some module errors this will highlight a connector into a modules and display an error message at that location.

Nonnegative Constraint Violations

When Stella prevents a negative value in a uniflow, constrains outflows to keep a stock non-negative, or constrains inflows because of a capacity constraint in a conveyor it will highlight the associated variables in yellow. A list of these variables will appear at the right of the toolbar. Click on a variable in the list to navigate to it. There is an option in the Preferences Dialog to turn this off. It must also be turned off in the Model Settings Properties Panel for the model you are working with.




Time Indicator

The Time Indicator shows the progress of the simulation, by showing the current time value. If you move the slider on the progress bar, it will display the time corresponding to the current slider position.

During optimizations and sensitivity analysis the number of runs rather than time will be displayed here.

Concept Link IconSee Also