Model Menu

Use the Model menu to open the Find dialog, run the model, import and export data, restore devices, and access the Array and Unit editors, Data Manager, Equation viewer, and Results panel.

Each command on the Model menu is briefly described below.


Use this command to run the model. This command is grayed if the model isn't valid. It's the same as clicking on the button in the Run toolbar. For more information, see Running Models.

Run Sensitivity

Use this command to perform a sensitivity run on the model. This command is available if you have a valid model and have set up the sensitivity parameters for it. It's the same as clicking on the S-Run button in the Run toolbar. For more information, see Performing Sensitivity Analysis.

Run Optimization

Use this command to perform an optimization of the model. This command is available if you have a valid model and have set up a valid optimization for it. It's the same as clicking on the O-Run button in the Run toolbar. For more information, see Performing Optimizations.

Run Specs

This opens the Model Settings Properties Panel so you can change the time over which the simulation runs and other settings.


This lets you toggle connector visibility on and off. If you select Hide then no connectors will be visible, only stocks, flows and converters. If you select Show all model structure will be visible. If connectors are not showing and you click on the connector tool in the build toolbar then they will be made visible.

Array Editor

Use this command to open the Array Editor, in order to create and edit array dimensions and elements, which you can then use to create arrayed variables. For more information about working with arrays, see Working with Arrays.

Unit Editor

Use this command open the Unit Editor, in order to create and edit units of measure for you to use in your model. For more information about working with units, see Working with Units.

Data Manager

Use this command to open the Data Manager. For more information, see Managing Model Runs.

Equation Viewer

Use this command to view the model equations. For more information, see Equation Viewer.

Macro Manager

Use this comment to open the Macro Manager dialog to set up and import macro definitions.

Import Data

Use this command to set up and manage import links between Excel worksheets or .CSV files and your model. It will open the Import Data dialog box. Using this, you can import data into a model's stocks, constants, and graphical functions. For more information, see Setting Up Import Links.

Export Data

Use this command to set up and manage export links between a model and Excel worksheets or .CSV files. Using this, you can export data from your model. It will open the Export Data dialog box. You can choose to export all model results, or those specified in a table in the model. For more information, see Setting Up Export Links.

Import All

Use this command to execute all active imports and see the resulting messages. It is the equivalent of opening the Import Data dialog box and clicking on the Import All button.

Export All

Use this command to execute all active exports and see the resulting messages. It is the equivalent of opening the Export Data dialog box and clicking on the Export All button.


Use the commands on the Restore submenu to reset the status of inputs and outputs.

Concept Link IconSee Also