Page design for isee NetSim and isee Runtime

Before you publish your model with isee NetSim or save a model to be viewed with isee Runtime, you need to carefully lay out the portions of your model that will be seen by other people so that the page size is appropriate for your viewers and that all of the model's objects fit inside those pages.

When designing pages for isee NetSim and isee Runtime, keep these guidelines in mind:

If you are building a model that you intend to make available with isee NetSim or isee Runtime, you should plan the page layout of the Interface layer (and Model layer, if applicable) as you build the model. If you are publishing an existing model, you may need to make some minor changes to the layout to be sure that the objects appear correctly on pages before you export or publish the file.

For detailed instructions about laying out model pages on the Interface and Model layers, see Laying out model pages.

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