Text Box dialog box

Use the Text Box dialog box to format the text that appears in a text box, on the face of a button, and in a sector frame or process frame.

The options available in this dialog box depend on the object for which you are specifying text. The following picture shows what the dialog box looks like when you are formatting text for a text box; when formatting text for a button, fewer options are available.


Use the check boxes in this section to specify the text style: Bold, Italic, or Underline. To use plain text by, do not select any of these check boxes.

Tip: To make the text on a transparent button look like a hyperlink, select the Underline check box.


Use the options in this section to select how the text should be aligned: Left, Center, or Right.


Click this box to select the font type for the text.


Click this box to select the font size (in points) for the text. The size you select is displayed here and in the Selected Size box.

Selected Size

Displays the currently selected font size for the text (in points). You can change the size by typing a font size in this box.


Displays sample text that shows your current text settings (style, alignment, font type, and size).

Border Style

Note: These options are available only when you are formatting text for a text box.

Select the style of border you want for the text box. If you select None, the Transparent check box becomes enabled. If you select the Transparent check box, the text box becomes transparent so that you can see what's behind it. Note that only the first line of text is displayed while using this option.

Lock Text

Note: This check box is available only when you are formatting text for a text box.

Select this check box to lock the text so that it cannot be changed.

Wide Margins

Select this check box to provide extra margin space between the text and the side borders of the text box or button.

Show Scrollbar

Note: This check box is available only when you are formatting text for a text box.

Select this check box to add a vertical scroll bar to the text box so that you can easily scroll the text up and down if there is more text than can be displayed at once in the text box.

Mark for Export

Note: This check box is available only when you are formatting text for a text box.

Select this check box to "mark" the text for export. When you select this check box, a new box appears so that you can type a title for the text box. When you choose Export Text Boxes from the File menu, the contents of all marked text boxes will be copied to the clipboard and optionally saved as a text file.

Note: Marked text will also be included in the report generated by a button that has been assigned the Print Exports action.

Format for CLD

Note: This button is available only when you are formatting text for a text box.

If you are using the text box to add labels to a Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) (for example, a "(B)" label to indicate a balancing CLD), click this button to automatically reformat the text box for use in a CLD. When you click this button, the text box is resized so that it is smaller, the font size is changed to be slightly larger, and the border is set to transparent. If you have not already entered text into the Text Box when you click this button, the software displays a plus (+) sign in the Text Box.