Setting up export links

The export feature allows you to export data from your model to an Excel worksheet or a .CSV file. You can choose to export all entity values in the model or only the values for entities specified in a table in the model.

To use the export feature, you create a link between the model and an Excel worksheet or .CSV file. The file can initially be empty. The export process will automatically overwrite any information in the file and set it up in the correct format.

When you set up an export link, you can choose to create a temporary link or a persistent link. Temporary links allow you to export values one time only. Persistent links are saved and can be reused later to manually export values (On Demand links) or to automatically export values (Dynamic links). Dynamic persistent links export values that have changed when the model run pauses or stops. On Demand persistent links export values only when you perform a manual export.

The export link also allows you to specify the export interval. You can export one set of values (the current values for the model), or values from a run at the interval you define.

You can create as many export links as you want per model.

If you are using Excel files, you can set up export and import links to use the same or different Excel file. For example, you can import values from one file into your model, and then export model run values to a different file to retain the "before" and "after" values in separate files. Or you can have a single file always reflect the most current data in the model, by importing values from a file and then exporting run values to the same file.

If you are using .CSV files, you must set up export and import links to use separate import and export files.

Note: Since the software performs an export when you set up a link, you must have created an Excel worksheet to receive the data before you set up the link.

To set up an export link

  1. Open the model for which you want to set up an export link.
  2. From the Edit menu, choose Export Data.

    The Export Data dialog box opens.

    Note: If you have already created export links for all tables in the model and have created an export link that specifies the Export all model variables option, a message appears that tells you that you cannot create a new export link. To create a new export link, you must first delete an existing link of the type you want to create (table or "all variables").

  3. Use the options in the Export Data dialog box to select the type of link you want to create (One Time or Persistent), the data that you want to export and how often, and the Excel file and worksheet to which you want to export the data. For detailed descriptions of these options, see Export Data dialog box.
  4. When you are finished selecting export link options, click OK.

    The selected data is exported from the model into the specified Excel worksheet.

Concept Link IconSee Also