Managing persistent import and export links

Once you have created one or more persistent links between your model and Excel or .CSV files, you can manage the links by editing them, enabling or disabling them, or deleting them.

Each of these procedures is described below.

To edit a persistent link

  1. Open the model for which you want to edit import or export links.
  2. From the Edit menu, choose Manage Persistent Links. The Manage Persistent Links dialog box appears and displays the existing persistent links for the model.
  3. Click the Edit button for the link that you want to edit. The Edit Import Link or Edit Export Link dialog box appears, where you can make your edits.
  4. Make your edits to the link.
  5. When you are finished making edits, click OK to close the Edit Import Link or Edit Export Link dialog box.

To disable or enable a persistent link

  1. Open the model for which you want to disable or enable an import or export link.
  2. From the Edit menu, choose Manage Persistent Links The Manage Persistent Links dialog box appears and displays the existing links for the model.
  3. Disable or enable the link:
  4. When you are disabling or enabling links, click OK.

To delete a persistent link

  1. Open the model for which you want to delete import or export links.
  2. From the Edit menu, choose Manage Persistent Links. The Manage Persistent Links dialog box appears and displays the existing links for the model.
  3. Click the Delete Link button for the link that you want to delete. The selected link is deleted from the link list in the Manage Import Export dialog box.
  4. To complete the deletion, click OK.

Concept Link IconSee Also