Array panel

Use the Array panel to transform the selected entity into an arrayed entity.

You can also use the Array panel to edit array dimensions and elements available in the current model.

To view the Array panel, click the tab at the bottom of the panels. For information about using panels, see Working with panels.

Note: To view the Array panel, you must be viewing the model on the Model layer.


Select this check box to make the selected stock or converter into an arrayed entity.

This check box is automatically selected when you assign one or more dimensions to the selected entity.

If you clear this check box for an arrayed entity, any assigned dimensions are automatically unassigned from the entity (and removed from the "Chosen Dimensions" list).

Notes: Flows into or out of an arrayed stock are also arrayed by default.

Used in this Model

Displays a list of all dimensions assigned to entities in the model. If a model entity has more than one entity assigned to it, the list displays the entity's set of assigned dimensions in a single line in the list, separated by commas.

To assign a listed set of dimensions to the currently selected entity, select the set in the list and then click the Use this set button.

Available Dimensions

Use this list to see all available dimensions and to select the dimension you want to assign to the selected entity.

Dimensions are listed in the order in which they were created.

Chosen Dimensions

This list displays the selected dimensions for the selected entity. Dimensions are listed in the order in which they were selected for the entity.

Note: If you clear the Arrayed check box, any dimensions in the "Chosen Dimensions" list are automatically removed.

Array Editor button

Click this button to open the Array Editor dialog box so that you can create, edit, or remove dimensions or label elements. For more information, see Working with array dimensions and elements.

Concept Link IconSee Also