Release Notes for Stella Online

Stella online is updated regularly to fix reported issues and apply enhancements. When you log in at the exchagne you will be using the most up to date version of the software.

As some of the changes that are made may cause the software to behave differently, we keep a log here of when the online software was updated, the corresponding desktop release number, and note any behavior changes that should be expected.

August 27, 2018 (Desktop Version 1.7.1)

Model Sharing

We have improved online model sharing. See Sharing Models Online for more details.

Desktop CLDs

The desktop versions of Stella now have a CLD editing interface. CLDs created online will open in that interface. When uploading anything created on the desktop, you should match the destination (CLD or Model) to what it was on the desktop.

July 30, 2018 (Desktop Version 1.7)

Graph Creation

The creation of graphs has been changed to open a list of variables to graph when you click on the button. See Getting Started Online for a description.

Graph legends will now default to the bottom for new graphs.

Loop Indicator Selection Process

This has changed to make it easier to select loops. See Loop Label Properties for details.

Copying and Pasting

You can copy and past model structure by highlighting it and then using the Right-Click (Ctrl+Click on the Mac) menu to copy and paste.

Builtin Arguments

If you click on a Builtin in the list in the equation editor the arguments will be displayed as _name_ instead of <name>. This means that double clicking will select the entire argument, making it easier to replace.

May 10, 2018 (Desktop Version 1.6.2)

Persistent Stock Flow Selections

Your selection of different Stock, Flow, Converter, and Connector types will persist between sessions as long as you do not delete your browser's cookies.