Edit Menu

Use the commands on the Edit menu to perform standard editing tasks, including cutting, copying, and pasting text and images, and undoing or redoing changes. You can also use commands on this menu to control default settings.

Each command on the Edit menu is briefly described below.


Use this command to undo previous edits. Stella maintains a complete record of the changes you make from the time you open the model; you can undo all changes to return the model to an earlier condition.


Use this command to redo an action undone using undo. Stella maintains a complete record of the changes you make from the time you open the model; you can undo all changes to return the model to an earlier condition, and redo them to get back to where you last changed something.


Use this command to cut the selected information or item and put it on the clipboard for pasting elsewhere. For more information about using this command, see Cutting, Copying, and Pasting in Models.


Use this command to copy the selected information or item and put it on the clipboard for pasting elsewhere. For more information about using this command, see Cutting, Copying, and Pasting in Models.

Tip: If you want to copy the values in a Table, right-click (or Ctrl-click) on the table, and use the Copy Data popup-menu item to copy the data. A regular copy will copy the image of the table as it appears on the diagram.


Use this command to paste information from the clipboard into a model. Note that pasting will only work when it's consistent with the operation of the software. For example, you can't paste a picture into a model, except through a graphics frame. For more information about what can be pasted into a model, see Cutting, Copying, and Pasting in Models.

You can paste values for a graphical function. For information on pasting values into a graphical function, see Graphical Functions.

Delete (Windows)

Use this command to delete the selected model items.

Tip: In Windows, you can press the BACKSPACE or DEL key to delete selected items. On Mac, you can press the DELETE key to delete the selected items.

Select All

Use this command to select all objects in the currently active window, including variables, graphs, and tables (but not connectors). You can then copy or adjust the styles on everything together.

Select Connectors

Use this command to select different types of connectors. This is useful is you want to make style changes, including color, thickness, and polarity from the Styles Tab for Building Blocks. Use the submenus to choose different connectors:

Select all Connectors will select every connecter on the current module.

Select all Positive will select every connector with a polarity marked as positive.

Select all Negative will select every connector with a polarity marked as none

Select all within Current Selection will select all the connectors that both start and end on currently selected variables. This can be used in concert with tags to select all connectors between variable with a specific tag.


The keyboard shortcut for this command is Ctrl+F (⌘+F on Mac).

Use this command to find one or more variables in the model. Once you find a variable, you can:

For more information on using the Find command, see Finding variables in models.

Find Next

This command is available on the Model menu when you've selected a variable that's ghosted elsewhere in the model, or when you've selected a ghost or cross-level variable (in order to find the variable definition or other ghosts).

Use this command to find the next ghost of the selected variable, in order of creation. Using this command lets you "walk through" the model, finding all instances of a variable in the diagram.

Find and Replace

Use this command to modify the names, units or measure or documentation for multiple variables. It will open the Find and Replace Dialog.

Align (interface)

This menu item is available when three or more object are selected. It lets you line all of the objects up based on their Top, Right, Bottom, Left, Y-Center, or X-Center.

Distribute (interface)

This menu item is available when three or more object are selected. It lets you make the objects evenly distributed (have the same distance between each object) along either the Horizontal or the Vertical axis.

Zoom In

Use this command (or Ctrl/⌘ and the + key) to zoom in on the model. You can zoom in up to 1200%.

Zoom Out

Use this command (or Ctrl/⌘ and the - key) to zoom out on the model. You can zoom out up to 20%.

Default Zoom

Use this command to reset the zoom to 100%.


Use this command to set basic preferences, including Calculation preferences, Stella Live preferences, Application preferences, and font preferences for editing equations. For more information, see Preferences Dialog.

Note: If you're using the Macintosh version, set default settings by choosing the Preferences command from the Stella menu.

Default Settings

Use this command to select the default user interface and simulation settings for the model. For more information, see Setting Model Default Settings.

Concept Link IconSee Also