Table Styles Tab

Use the Styles tab on Tables to set colors, fonts and location as you would with any object (see the general Styles Tab information). In addition, tables have the following options on the Styles tab.

Background Color is the color the background of the table is drawn with.

Text Settings apply to the text in the cells.

Header Text Settings apply to the text for the column and row headers.

These are the same, except that you can specify different horizontal alignment for row and column headers.

First Row runs horizontally (as a label for each column).

First Column runs vertically (as a label for each row).

The top left header is always blank so the settings do not apply.


User alternating row colors, if checked, will alternate the rows between shaded and not in order to increase the horizontal distinction between them.

Auto-size column width, if checked, will adjust the column sizes to fit content (of cells and headers). If this is not checked you can specify a column width.

Column Width is available only if Auto-size column width is not checked. It is the width that all columns (except blank columns) will have.

Blank Column Width is the width of blank columns. Blank columns can be used to separate groups of values.