Page Tracking

View and download information about which users visited which pages in your published simulation, and how long they spent on each page. Page tracking can be enabled as part of Data Collection, a subscription service available for the isee Exchange. You can access page tracking from the Collected Data view on the isee Exchange.

Selecting Users

To look at page tracking information, you'll need to first select the users that you want to view the information for. You can select all users, or just a subset of users. If the user was logged into the isee Exchange when the information was collected, their name will appear in the list. If you didn't require user authentication, so that users who aren't logged in can still access the sim, then they'll appear as Anonymous User N.

If there is a user name, the page tracking information for that user may span multiple uses of the simulation. Anonymous users, on the other hand, will always show results from a single use of the simulation. The N associated with the anonymous user is assigned by the server, and simply ensures that a single user working on the simulation is collected in a single place.

Select which users you want to see the information for.

Generate Page Statistics Report with Selected User Data

This will generate a summary statistic report showing the average time spent on each of the pages that has been visited.

Page Name is the name of the page.

# of Page Views is the number of times that users have entered the page. Any navigation action from a button or a simulation event will cause a page to be reentered. This should be taken into consideration when designing an interface. If, for example, as a simulation progresses, you first show a results page, then return to the decision page, the decision page will be entered on every turn.

Average Time on Page measures the average time (in seconds) the selected users spent on that page for each page entry (not for each simulation - see note above).

Std. Dev Time on Page is just that, again for each page entry.

Median Time on Page is just that, again for each page entry.

View All Data for Selected Users

Use this to get access to the raw collected data. It's simply reported directly, and there's a link to download the material in a csv format:

User Name is either one of the anonymous names, or the name of a user (their exchange login credentials, which is normally their email).

Page Name is the name of the page. Again, each visit to the page repeats the page name, so there will likely be many entries for the user and the page.

Arrival Time is when the page was first entered (or returned to, if the use was on a different page).

Duration (sec) is the amount of time that the user spent on the page. Again, the page tracking information is recorded on leaving the page.

Download Page Tracking Data

This will allow you to get your data in a format that you can manipulate in order to do your own analysis on it. The same content that's displayed will be downloaded into a csv file, with slightly different formatting. The columns are:

Page Arrival Time (epoch) is the arrival time in seconds since 12:00 AM January 1, 1970 GMT. This is an unambiguous representation of time that will need to be manipulated for use in other programs. For example, to convert to a standard Excel time, you can use the formula


where B2 is the cell that the time is in. This can then be formatted as a date for display as desired.

Duration (sec) is the number of seconds that the user was on the page (again, on that visit).

User Email is the email address of the user (technically their isee Exchange account name) or the word Anonymous. Rather than listing Anonymous 1, Anonymous 2, and so on, the different anonymous users are distinguished by the user identifier (always a GUID).

User Identifier is a unique identifier for the user. For anonymous users, it's a GUID. For named users, it's an integer identifying that user.