Chat Log

View and download any chat that occurred during game play. This information is only available for Multiplayer Games in which collection of chat has been enabled in the Multiplayer Options dialog as part of Data Collection, a subscription service available for the isee Exchange. You can access page tracking from the Collected Data view on the isee Exchange.



Show 10 entries

Let you select how many entries will appear on the page. Select a different number to see more or less and then use the Previous/Next or page numbers at the bottom to move between pages. This is useful for scanning messages, but if there are a large number you will likely want to download them.


The time at which the message was sent.


This is the name of the team, if using assigned teams (Team and Role Assignment), or the game instance if named by the players when starting.


The game role sending the message.


The game role receiving the message (for a private message) or Everyone for a message sent to everyone.

Generate Report of Chat Messages

Clicking on this will download a zip file called that will contain all of the messages in a csv file with the name of the Sim. The content of this file is similar to the chat message list:

Team Name

This is the name of the team, if using assigned teams (Team and Role Assignment), or the game instance if named by the players when starting.

Team ID

This is a unique ID of the team that can be mapped to Team ID as discussed in Report Generation.

Sender ID

Either the log in credentials for the sender if the user was logged in while playing the game or a unique identifier if the user was playing anonymously (see User Identifier in Report Generation).

Sender Role

The game role sending the message.

Receiver ID

Either the log in credentials or unique identifier for the receiver, or * if he message was sent to everyone.

Receiver Role

The game role receiving the message (for a private message) or * for a message sent to everyone.

Send Time

The time at which the message was sent in epoch time (seconds since Jan 1 1970) as described in Report Generation.