Documentation Tab

In the Model window, use the Documentation tab to add notes or comments about a selected variable. You can use the Documentation tab to describe the variable, to document assumptions about it, or to add any other notes you want in order to help model users understand your model.

Model users can see the documentation when they view the Documentation tab for the selected variable, and when hovering on the interface depending on options set.

To view the Documentation tab, click the at the bottom of the panels. For more information about using panels, see Using the Properties Panel.

You can use the documentation tab with a single variable selected, or with multiple variables. If multiple variables are selected you will be able to edit the documentation and change the units if they are the same for all of the selected variables. If there are differences, the editing boxes will be grayed.

Rich Text Button

You can choose between plain text and rich text. If you'd like to use rich text formatting for the documentation, select that instead of the default-selected plain text. This lets you specify font size and style for the text; use boldface, italics, or underline styles; specify font color; and select text alignment.

Note: The font you select in rich text format is for documentation only. It doesn't affect the font used for variable names and other text in the model.

To use plain text instead, leave the Plain Text button selected, or reselect it.


Type the documentation for the selected building block into the large box on this panel.

Concept Link IconSee Also