Using modules to communicate between modules

The following procedure describes the overall process for building a hierarchical module by first determining the connections between modules and then creating or importing the modules. For more information about each step, click the link provided in each step.

  1. Click on the Map or Model toolbar and then click the diagram surface to place module icons.

  2. Use connectors to create connections between the module icons.

    In the following example, connections indicate that the both modules supply and receive entity values from each other.

  3. Create and test the contents of each module. You can do this by building the module directly within the model that contains it, or by creating a separate model.

  4. In each module (or separate model to be used as a module), define the module outputs.

    In the following example, the "plane overcrowding factor" in the Fleet module is defined as an output.

  5. If you created a separate model to be used as module, import it into the module.
  6. Assign the module inputs for each module.

    In the following example, the "plane_overcrowding factor" entity from the Fleet module is assigned as an input to the "plane overcrowding factor" entity in the Customers module.

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