Using conveyor or queue element values in equations

When defining an equation for a building block, you can use the value of a specific conveyor slot or queue element in the equation. For example, if you have a conveyor with 10 slots, you can define an equation for another entity that uses the value in the fifth slot of the conveyor.

To use a conveyor or queue element in an entity equation

  1. In the model diagram, select the entity whose equation you want to define.
  2. Click the Equation panel.
  3. In the Equation box, use the following syntax to specify the conveyor or queue element you want to use:


    where ConveyorOrQueueName is the name of the conveyor or queue and [element] is the index number of the conveyor slot or queue element that holds the value you want to find.

    For example, if you have a conveyor named "Widgets" that has a transit time of 5 (five slots) and you want to find the value in the third slot of the conveyor, use Widgets[3]. If you have a queue named "Waiting for Service" and you want to find the value in the first element of the queue, use Waiting_for_Service[1].

    If the conveyor or queue is arrayed, use the following syntax:


    Note: You can use the SIZE builtin to find the value of a queue's length in an equation.

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