Understanding model layers

The four tabs on the left side of the window give you access to the different layers of the model: Interface, Map, Model, and Equation. Each layer provides you with a different aspect of designing and presenting a model.

This multi-layer design makes it easy for model builders to manage the visual and conceptual complexity of the model by dividing different aspects of the model into different layers: the Map layer gives you a place to lay out your thinking; the Model layer gives you a place to define detailed model structure; the Interface layer allows you to focus on how to present the model to users and how to provide them user input/output access to the model; and the Equation layer allows you to see all the equations at work in the model in a single place.

For model users, separate layers make it possible to unravel the intricacies of the model in "mind-size bites." They can investigate the model layer by layer and focus on only one aspect at a time.

To learn how to navigate from layer to layer in your model, see Navigating between model layers.

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