Scales and Ranges panel

Use the Scales and Ranges panel to define global scale and range properties for the selected entity. This allows you to set the scale for the entity for all graphs in which the entity is used in the model. For more information, see Defining global scales and ranges.

To view the Scales and Ranges panel, click the tab at the bottom of the panels. For information about using panels, see Working with panels.

Note: To view the Scales and Ranges panel, you must be viewing the model on the Model layer.

Display name

In this version, this option is for informational use only. Is is not used in the model.

Use this box to define the name for the entity that will be displayed in input and output devices that use the entity. This allows you to provide a short name for entities with long names so that the name displays well in the input or output device.

If you create a display name here and then want to revert the display name back to the entity's real name, click the button to the right of the Display name box.


Displays the range (minimum and maximum) of simulation results for the selected entity.

Global scale

Select this check box to specify a global scale for this entity. When this check box is selected, the model will use the minimum and maximum values you specify here as the scale for the entity for all graphs in which the entity appears.

Note: You can override the scale for this entity for any specific graph by editing the scale options in the graph's Define Graph dialog box.

Input range

In this version, this option is for informational use only. Is is not used in the model.

Select this check box to specify a global input range for this entity. The default input range is 0-1.


In this version, these options are for informational use only. They are not used in the model.

Use these options to specify data formatting options for this entity whenever it is used in input or output devices in the model.

Flow Concept

Select this check box to make the selected converter act like a flow concept when it is displayed in tables. This check box appears only if the selected entity is a converter.

By default, converter values are reported as instantaneous values. If you are reporting flows as summed values (by selecting the Summed option for Report flow values in the Define Table dialog box), there can be a mismatch between the reporting of a flow value and the reporting of a converter value that depends upon the flow. Selecting the Flow concept check box will globally report the converter's value as a flow concept.

For more information and examples, see Reporting values in tables.

Concept Link IconSee Also