Sensitivity Specs dialog

Use the Sensitive Specs dialog to specify the characteristics for a set of sensitivity runs and to enable sensitivity analysis. For more information, see Performing sensitivity analysis.

Select Sensi Specs from the Run menu.


The left hand side of the dialog is the same as the contents of the Find palette and operates in the same manner, except that is only shows variables eligible for use in Sensitivity analysis (Converters, Flows, and Stocks with numbers in their equations). It is used as a source for populating the Variable box described below.

All Combinations

Uses the settings for each variable to determine the total number of runs.

Specified number of runs

Lets you specify directly the total number of runs. See notes on Ad-Hoc and Incremental related to this in Selecting sensitivity analysis distributions.

Run Sensitivity Analysis

Performs a sensitivity analysis. This is available once you have specified, at a minimum, the number of runs to make. You can also run sensitivity analysis from the menu or the Run toolbar.

Sensitivity Parameters

Displays a list of variables to changed in the sensitivity runs. The list can be empty, normally for models with equations using statistical Builtins with no seed specified. To edit something in the list click on it. To remove it click on it then click on . To add something to the list click on then complete the remaining fields.

Selected Sensitivity Parameter Options

Allows you to specify which variable (must be a constant Converter or Flow or a Stock with a constant initial value equation) to use and what values it will take on.

Variable lets you specify which model variable to use. Begin typing and you will be prompted with auto-complete or drag from the Find dialog or Ctrl (Command on Mac) drag from the model.

Distribution lets you choose the distribution that will be used for the named variable. See Selecting sensitivity analysis distributions for more detail.

The remaining entries in the panel depend on the distribution you have chosen. For all the statistical distributions you can specify a seed, plus additional values depending on the distribution. For Ad-Hoc you specify a list and for Incremental an minimum and maximum. If you have selected All combinations above there will also be an entry for the Number of Samples for all but the Ad-Hoc distribution.

Sensitivity On

Select this check box to turn sensitivity analysis on. When this check box is selected, the S-Run command appears on the Run menu so that you can perform sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity analysis remains turned on until you clear this check box.

Tip: You can use a switch on the Interface layer to turn sensitivity analysis on and off by selecting the Sensi on/off option for the type of switch. For more information, see Switch dialog box.