You can share you model with other people who have Stella by packaging it and the supporting files it uses and sending it to them. For details, and best practice recommendations about this, see Distributing Models to Users.
In addition, isee systems provides an easy way for you to distribute your models to colleagues, students, clients, and anyone else who doesn't own Stella and wants to be able to view and run your models: isee Player.
isee Player ™ lets you view, run, print, and share Stella models for free. With isee Player, model users have access to all toolbars, menus, and model layers, even though editing capabilities are restricted. For more information about isee Player, and to download a copy for free, visit the isee systems web site.
Note: Because isee Player is based on the Version 10.1 display engine, models will appear without all the enhancements supported in Stella Professional.
You can also develop an interface for your model using Stella or iThink version 10.1. This will let you share it with other people using isee Runtime or isee Netsim. For more information, see Interface Development.
isee Runtime – isee Runtime™ presents your models with a professional, full-screen look and feel, so it's easy to share or commercially distribute them. Users running a model with isee Runtime won’t be distracted by software menus or toolbars. Instead, they'll interact with your model via a full-screen graphical user interface, which you create with the built-in authoring features of Stella or iThink version 10.1.