Context Menu

There are a number of places that context specific menus come up in response to a right-click or Ctrl+Click (⌘+Click on Mac). The contents of these menus depends on what you're clicking on, and some of the options are discussed in their respective sections (such as Graphs or Tables). When you have multiple objects selected, the actions will apply to all the selected objects.

The following is a list of items that may appear when editing objects, including building blocks and interface elements, and their meaning.



Will remove the objects and place them in the clipboard. Undo will put the objects back, but won't change the clipboard contents.


Will place the objects in the clipboard, but not remove them. This action isn't part of the undo list.


Will paste the contents of the clipboard. If the contents are from a cut or copy operation in Stella, they'll be pasted as new objects. If the clipboard contains an image, and you've selected a button or graphics frame, the image will be put into the selected object. If there's no useful action that paste could do, this item will be grayed, but normally still visible.


Will delete the object or objects. This is the same as using the Del key.

Edit Name

Will allow you to edit the variable name (model only).

Positioning (interface only)

Positioning options are available when 3 or more objects are selected. To align 2 objects use the guides that appear as you drag the objects.

Align lets you line all of the objects up based on their Top, Right, Bottom, Left, Y-Center, or X-Center.

Distribute lets you make the objects evenly distributed (have the same distance between each object) along either the Horizontal or the Vertical axis.

Results and Navigation (model only)

View Results

Will open the Results Panel for the variable you clicked on. If the variable is arrayed you will be asked to pick an element to display.

Causal Lens

Will open the Causal Lens™ on variable you clicked on. If it is an arrayed variable you will be asked to select an element to display the causes of.

Appears in

Will pop up a submenu that lists all of the tables, graphs, numeric displays, sliders and other objects, in both the model and the interface, the variable appears in. Click on one of the items to navigate to and select it. If the object is on the interface and the interface window is not open it will be open. (Interface objects will not be listed in Stella Professional).

Types and Connections (model only)

Change to Type

Allows you to change the type of a variable. The selection of available tyeps depends on both the current type (for example, converters can't be changed to conveyors) and the diagram (for example, converters with connectors in can't be changed to summing converters).


Lets you specify that the variable has a special module related property, most commonly that it is provides output so that it can be used in other modules.

Assign Input To

Lets you specify which available output to use in making a cross level assignment. If the variable is not already marked as a module input it will be marked when the assignment is made. Available outputs are determined by connectors coming into a module or its parent modules. Variables marked as outputs in modules connected to the current module can be assigned.

Assign Output To

Lets you specify which available inputs to use in making a cross level assignment. If the variable is not already marked as a module output it will be marked when the assignment is made. Available inputs are determined by connectors going out of a module or its parent modules. Variables marked as inputs in modules connected from the current module can be assigned.

Navigate to Output

Is available when a variable is a cross level ghost of another variable. It will take you to the variable that ultimately defines the current variable. This is the same variable that the panel will open on if you click on the current variable.

Object Ordering (Interface only)

Send to Front

Will make the object sit on top of other objects. Use this when you have overlapping objects, with one obscuring others that you don't want obscured.

Note: Object types also determine what's in the front, and normally that ordering will give the desired results.

Note: Using this with a template may keep template objects on top of other page objects, and is therefore recommended against.

Send to Back

Will push the object behind others on the page. Use this when you have overlapping objects, with one obscuring others that you don't want obscured.

Note: Using this on a page with a template may cause the object to be obscured by template content. You can work around this by sending objects on the template page to the background, but it's usually best to avoid 'send to back' when using templates.

Reset to Default Z order

Will take away the effects of the Send to Front or Send to Back commands. This is only available if objects have been sent to the back or front.

See Object Drawing for more discussion of drawing sequence.


If Spell Check has highlighted a word, there will be an entry for Spelling. The menu will list words that are similar to the one you have typed from the dictionary. Click on one to replace what you have typed with the new word. You will also have the option to:

Add to dictionary so that the word is not marked as misspelled and will be provided as a suggestion for similar spellings. This will be added to your preferences so that future occurrences of the same spelling in any model will not be marked. The word will also be added to the model so that occurrences of it within the model will not be flagged for other users.

Ignore so that the word will not be marked as misspelled. This will be added to the model so that occurrences of it within the model will not be flagged for other users.

Note Adding words to the dictionary or choosing to ignore them is not part of the undo/redo system. Once added/ignored they remain added/ignored.

Note Words that you add to the dictionary or are stored in your preferences. This means you may see different words highlighted on a different computer for other models.