CLD Build Toolbar

Use the CLD Build toolbar to add variables, connectors and annotations to your model. This is a much simplified version of the Model Build Toolbar that makes it easy to create Causal Loop Diagrams (see The CLD Window).


Click this tool to create a variable. A variable in a causal loop diagram is a name that can then be connected to other variables. Names should be chosen so that it is clear what a value for the variable would mean. For example "happiness," even though measurement might be tricky, has a clear meaning for more and less whereas "alternative futures" does not.


Click this tool to create a connector; select from the dropdown menu to choose from different connector types. A connector connects variables to each other.


Click this tool to use the ghost tool. Use the ghost tool to create variable aliases. Variable aliases help you keep your diagrams tidy by letting you use the same variable in separate locations in your model. This helps keep connections neat, when a direct connection would cause arrows to cross.

Text Box/ Loop Label/Navigation Button

Click this tool to add a text box, or use the dropdown to select a Loop Labels (Model), or a Navigation Button (Model). Use text boxes to display text in your model. You can use text boxes to add labels, instructions, and explanatory text right on the model diagram. Use the Loop Label to identify and highlight feedback loops. Use the navigation button to quickly jump to a different part of the model.

Graphics Box

Click this tool to add a graphics box. Graphics boxes give you the ability to use visual elements to organize and annotate your model. You can use a graphics box to frame part of the model. You can also add images or other graphics, like maps, floor plans, or mechanical drawings, and use them as backgrounds for parts of your model.

Concept Link IconSee Also