Saving Changes to Modules

By default, modules are saved in the model file (.ITMX or .STMX). When you save a model that contains modules, all changes made to the entire model (including changes made to modules connected to it) are also saved.

You can also:

Each of these procedures is described below.

To Save Changes to Models that Contain Modules

To Save a Copy of a Model that Contains Modules

  1. From the File menu, choose Save As.

    The "Save model files as" dialog box will open.

  2. Navigate to the location where you want to save the new model file.

    Note: The Save As command allows you to specify a new name for the top-level model only. All connected modules keep their original names. To make a copy of the entire model (including connected modules), you have to save the model to a different directory than the original model’s directory; otherwise, the new top-level model will be connected to the same modules as are connected to the original model.

  3. In the "File name" box, type a name for the new model file.
  4. In the "Save as type" box, select iThink document (*.ITMX) or Stella document (*.STMX).
  5. Click Save. A copy of the model will be saved in the new location under the new name.

To Save a Module in a Separate File

  1. Select the module to view its properties.
  2. In the Properties panel, select the Save in separate file check box.
  3. Choose how you want to name the module file:

  4. Click OK.

The next time you save the model, the module will be saved in a separate (.ITMX) file according to your selection.

Note: All module files are saved as .ITMX files, regardless of whether they're saved with Stella.

To Save a Module as a Model

  1. From the File menu, choose Open, and then select the module file (.ITMX) that you want to save as a model.

    A message will appear that says that the template model will be converted to a model file.

  2. Click OK.

    The module will appear as a model on the diagram.

  3. From the File menu, choose Save.

    The "Save model file as" dialog box will open.

  4. Navigate to the location where you want to save the new model file.
  5. In the "File name" box, type a name for the model file.
  6. Click Save.

    The module will be saved as a model. If the module contained other modules, the connections to the sub-modules will be retained.

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