Opening Models

Use the following procedure to open an existing model.

Note: When you open a Stella model that was created in a previous version, it's translated automatically so that it's compatible with the current version of Stella Professional. In some cases, the translation requires additional manual updates to the model. For more information, see

To Open a Model

  1. From the File menu, choose Open, or press CTRL+O (Windows) or ⌘+O (Mac).

    Note: If you're opening a model created with a version of Stella prior to Version 10, a message will appear that tells you the model will be converted to Version 10 format (.ITMX or .STMX). Click OK to convert the model.

    If you already have a model open in the Stella window, a message will appear that asks you if you want to save changes to the currently open model.

  2. Select whether or not you want to save changes to the currently open model.

    The Open dialog box will open.

  3. Navigate to and choose the model file that you want to open.
  4. Click Open.

    The model you chose will open in the Stella window.

Concept Link IconSee Also