Button (Interface)

Place a button on the interface in order to allow the user to take actions, including simulating the model and navigating to other pages. To place a button, select the on the Interface Build toolbar, and click on the page where you want the button to appear.

Button Properties

You can control the text or picture that the button displays, and the actions that are taken when the button is pressed.


Use these to set the text or picture that the button displays.

Label is the text that will be displayed on the button. If you leave this blank, the text associated with the first button action will be displayed unless you've specified an icon.

Icon specifies the picture that will appear in the button. If you don't specify any picture, the button will appear as text on a solid background with shading.


Icon Side determines on which side of the text the picture will be shown. This is only applicable if you've entered text and selected a picture for the button.

Embed icon in file, if checked, will embed the picture you've selected into the model file when it's saved, and there will be no reference to the original file. If this is not checked, you should keep the original file in the same directory as the model file or a graphics subfolder.

Size icon to button, if checked, will make the picture fit in the button. If this is not checked, the picture will be centered in the button, and either clipped or drawn on top of the button surface used for text, giving effects such as:

Action List

Specifies the list of actions that will be taken when the button is clicked. If an action isn't viable (for example, a stop simulation action when the simulation is already stopped), the action will be skipped. If there are no viable actions in an action list, the button will be disabled, and enabled only when an action becomes enabled (when, for example, a simulation is started). An action type may have additional detail that can be specified.